Iconoclasm v2020
When you mention iconoclasm to an Orthodox Christian they will almost always reference the Iconoclast controversy which took place in the 8th and 9th C AD and ended with the restoration of holy images in 843 AD. During this controversy the veneration of images was denied and many sacred icons were destroyed by the iconoclasts. The root cause of the iconoclast controversy was the denial of the ability to portray and venerate the image of God. Most people assume the controversy ended with II Nicea which proclaimed anathemas upon the iconoclasts and then later the Empress Theodora proclaiming the full restoration of veneration of Holy Images. What most people do not realize is that while iconoclasm was full condemned by the Church there are elements of it which have still continued until this day.
It is my belief that the current state which the world finds itself in is the epitome of and fulfillment of iconoclasm, a controversy which for the purpose of this essay I refer to as being Iconoclasm v2020. In the name of a virus which many people have been lead to fear two terribly iconoclastic things have been forced upon the people of the world by the ruling class, the kabal. The first iconoclast element forced upon the world began around March 2020 when people were at first encouraged and then mandated to wear masks. This was originally stated as being temporary and was never actually passed as law, but was made by dictate by the world’s rulers. How is wearing a mask iconoclast? The logic behind wearing a mask is that it will help protect against the virus (which has proven to be less deadly than the common flu). Why wouldn’t you want to protect yourself against the flu? Surgeons wear masks during surgery. However the masks surgeons wear are specifically designed to prevent the spread of contagion and only designed to be worn a limited time. They are properly sterilized before use and discarded after use. They are not the cloth mask that people are encouraged to wear. To me the wearing of a mask in public is the beginning step in dehumanizing the world’s population. When we think of a person we think of their face. We identify others by their face. I am a portrait photographer as well as an iconographer and when I take a person’s photograph or paint an icon of a saint the face is always included. Other parts of the person can be included as well, but the only time I leave the face out of a photo or an icon is when I want to hide the persons identity. A person’s portrait only leaves the full view of the person’s face out of the picture when a sense of mystery is wanted or when the identity of the person is wanted to be concealed. In icons only those who are eternally damned have their face shown in profile, such as Judas Iscariot and demons. A persons face is key to their identity and by forcing people to wear masks in public we are removing their identity and dehumanizing them. By removing a persons identity from them in essence what is being done is denying their individuality and the image of God which is inherent to each person and granted to them at conception. This is iconoclasm.
However, Iconoclasm v2020 does not just stop at attempting to hide our individuality. Instead it seeks to completely destroy God’s creation of man by rewriting our genetic code. The very genetic code which we each received at conception and which is unique to each individual and at the very being of God’s image in man is now sought to be destroyed by the rna jab that is being forced upon the world by the leaders of the world in an attempt to cure a virus which is less deadly than the flu. Two of the three jabs offered are rna based and alter the genetic code of those who receive it. By adding to a person’s genetic code we are being even further dehumanized than we are by being forced to wear a mask in public. Once you change the genetic code of man we cease to be human and become something different, something other than human. When man ceases to be human and becomes something other than human we lose the image and likeness of God which God grants all humans at conception. This is the epitome of iconoclasm, the fullest expression of iconoclasm. Even though I have studied iconography and iconology for over 25 years I am not studied enough in theology or patristics to know if this is actually the denial of the Holy Spirit which is the unforgivable sin, but it certainly seems so to me. Thus what the world is facing is much more serious, much more sinister than most people want to admit. We are not just struggling against a virus which is less deadly than the flu, what is actually happening is a struggle for the very existence of mankind. O brave new world…
NB: If you want to start talking about a “pandemic” I suggest you research what an actual pandemic looks like. The Black Death caused 30–60% of Europe’s population to die between the years 1346–1352. That is an actual pandemic.