Hold my beer…
A friend of mine and I were chatting this morning over messenger and he had commented that something which he told me NEVER happens, actually happened yesterday. I jokingly said to him “yeah, it was as if the universe said ‘hold my beer, I got this…’” just to prove him wrong. He then posted the following status on Facebook: Just when you think you have it all figured out and you know answers, the universe says
“Wait..hold my beer.”
I often joke that God loves to throw curve balls. Every time I have said “I will never do this…” or have done something silly like threaten to forever quit painting icons, God has allowed a situation to occur in my life that has proven me otherwise. If I were to write a book of all of the bold statements that I made when I was younger and now need to retract, it would take an entire library to contain. Yes, I was that bold and brash in my youth. I thought that I knew everything and I knew that I had the corner on truth. To quote the song “Shades of Grey” by Billy Joel: Some things were perfectly clear, seen with the vision of youth. No doubts and nothing to fear, I claimed the corner on truth.
These days it’s harder to say I know what I’m fighting for. My faith is falling away. I’m not that sure anymore.