A quick note of thankfulness…
It has regularly been noted that people with Asperger’s Syndrome have a very hard time making friends and an even harder time keeping them. This has been a constant struggle in my life. And yet there have been friends who have been my constant support and encouragement and I want to take the time to thank them. First off, if it were not for Rhoda this blog would not exist. It was her idea last spring for me to begin blogging. Rhoda and I have been friends since the day we met. She is like an artistic soulmate. She was the one whose encouragement gave me the guts to move into doing modern art when I simply could not do iconography due to the divorce. Rob has been my friend since I met him when I was 2 months old, even if we got into a bloody fist fight in 6th grade. Rob has actually put up with my crazy self for almost 45 years now!!! Zani and I go way back to our days of fishing at the cabin, and our 2 mile trek to call my dad to come get my car out from being stuck in the mud on one such weekend. Everyone needs a mobster movie loving, head banging, little law school professor as their friend! The ex-girlfriend and I may butt heads but she was a true heyoka and served as a mirror to me to see where I needed to grow. At the same time showed me love and encouraged me to be the best version of me that I could be. Rikki had the courage to sit me down over Thanksgiving dinner and get me to talk about my personality strengths and weaknesses. She trusted in our friendship enough to look me in the eyes and say “Michael, you have Asperger’s.” Michele I have known for a few years through fashion shows, but over the past few weeks has been my encouragement and support as I have begun to open up about having Asperger’s. Michele has encouraged me to talk to others about the condition and to develop new friendships and build bridges with others who are effected by the condition. This opening up is proving to be life changing. I can’t forget The Finn and the Rude Frenchman with the truly outrageous accent (who is not actually rude). They have been my on line friends for 14 years and are always making sure to keep a smile on my face and keep my day light hearted. These are but a few of the many amazing friends who I have who have been my constant strength and support! To you and to all of my other friends I send a huge, whole hearted thank you! I love you all!!!